Since his video presented by you tube, so the entertainment world at Indonesia be a bombastic. At video of you tube, Norman Kamaru a police of sector Gorontalo Sulawesi look sing a song lipsinctly "Chaiya-chaiya" from Bollywood artist Shahru Khan date of April 29, 2011. Now, Norman Kamaru be an Instant celebrity because he invited by many TV channel in Indonesia. TRANS 7 TV invited him as a guest star in " Bukan Empat Mata" program was guided by Tukul Arwana, also invited in "Opera Van Java". SCTV invited him to be a special guest in INBOX for a few times. Even, General Timur Pradopo as head of Police in this republic that before want to penalty him, be appreciating him. still many gold opportunities that catched by Norman like be a singer that created by a popular lawyer i.e. Farhat Abbas " Cinta Rakyat". invited by Fadel Mohammad one of ministry in Indonesian Cabinet. Almost 2 weeks Norman enjoyed his popularity and famous as an instant celebrity. according with entertainment sources that he get 2 milyard rupiahs along this time.

All of experienced by Norman Kamaru as blessed of GOD. Only dance imitation of Shahru Khan along keep of security in Post Keeper at Polsek Gorontalo he become a spectacular and phenomenal police today. Between of popularity and unpopularity, happy and sad, fortune and accident are a thin limit.
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